Today was a beautiful England Day. The sun was out with a breeze so you could be out and not feel hot. I don't think it really gets to hot here but you get spoiled with the cool days so at 79 degrees you do notice a difference. We went to Avebury today. It's very close to the house and one of the places we've been putting off since it is so close. But we've been running so much lately we thought today would be a good day to stay close to home. We also took Coco with us. I think she actually enjoyed the ride today for the first time ever. She stuck her head out the window (like a dog) something she has never done. It was a short ride and we took her favorite car. No air conditioning but she can lay down flat if she wants to. Anyway more about Avebury. It is a stone circle that is over 4000 years old. It is the largest prehistoric henge in Britain.

There is a lot more to Avebury than just the stones.......but Coco pooped out on us today. It was a long walk for her and we were afraid to continue on. At some point we will get to Silbury Hill (c.2700BC), West Kennet Avenue (c 2300-2000BC) and West Kennet Long Barrow (c . 3700-3500BC).
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