Friday, 30 November 2007

Mt Rigi Switzerland

After a marathon ride due to traffic and bad weather we arrived in Switzerland. It will make you feel like a "world traveler" when you get ready for a trip and have to carry four different countries currencies. We needed US dollars for the base, British pounds of course, Euro for France and Luxembourg (yes it's a very small country...who knew?) then Switzerland Franc. We had a wonderful time even though the weather could have been a lot better. We spent the first day in Luceren and visited a beautiful church and the Lion Monument. It had a lot of good places to shop and eat. The next day we visited a couple of typical Alps villages. That is where some of the snow pictures were taken. Then Saturday we went up to the top of Mt Rigi. This is where the bad weather was really a problem as it was practically a white out. If you got 10 feet from anything or anyone you could not see them. Of course we missed being able to see the beautiful view also. But the ride up and down the mountain was great. A lot of fun and interesting to see how the people living on the alps get around. Mt Rigi is also where Pontinus Pilate's soul was said to have been exiled. We had a "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner .....Swiss style. We also had a lot of good German food as we were in the German speaking part of Switzerland. See you all soon.......

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